What are the risks associated with measles?


Ottawa – Measles is spreading in Canada. These should be given as soon as possible after exposure.

Symptoms of measles include:

  • fever
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • red, watery eyes
  • rash, which looks like red spots and blotchy patches that start on the face and then spread down the body, arms and legs.

If you develop symptoms of measles, isolate at home and call a healthcare provider immediately. They will provide you with further advice on testing and isolation to limit spread of the disease.

When possible, do not go to a healthcare facility or a doctor’s office without calling ahead first to let them know you might have measles. That way, appropriate precautions can be taken to prevent the spread to others as soon as you arrive.

Vaccination is our best defence against measles. Together, let’s take action to stop the spread of measles in Canada by keeping up to date with routine vaccinations. For more information visit Canada.ca