Ontario Bringing High-Speed Internet Access to Underserved Communities

eAwazLocal News

MINTO — The Ontario government is investing more than $34 million to bring reliable high-speed internet access to more than 3,000 homes and businesses in hard to reach areas across southwestern Ontario. “Our government knows that high-speed internet access in today’s digital world isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. That is why we are bringing high-speed internet access to every community …

Investing Over $9M to Train 2,300 Workers in Windsor

eAwazLocal News

WINDSOR — The Ontario government is investing over $9 million to train approximately 2,300 manufacturing and construction sector workers in Windsor. This includes a $4.7 million investment to build a new training facility for local electrical workers through the new $224 million Skills Development Fund (SDF) Capital Stream. This brings Ontario’s total investment in Windsor workers through SDF since 2021 to …

Ontario Strengthening Emergency Preparedness

eAwazLocal News

TORONTO — The Ontario government is expanding its support for local emergency readiness with a second round of funding for the Community Emergency Preparedness Grant (CEPG) for 2024-25. This new $5 million investment will help equip municipalities and organizations with essential resources, equipment and training to better prepare for natural disasters and emergencies. “Our government is ensuring that municipalities and community organizations across the …

Delivering Affordable Energy for Families in SW Ontario

eAwazLocal News

NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE – The Ontario government along with Hydro One announced the completion of refurbishments at the Beck #2 Transformer Station in Niagara Falls. This $135 million infrastructure program will extend the life of the existing station by another forty years and ensure a reliable supply of affordable and clean energy that will enable new homes, new investments, and new jobs in …

Strengthening Sustainability & Productivity of Ontario Farms

eAwazLocal News

ST. GEORGE – The governments of Canada and Ontario are investing an additional $9 million in the Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Initiative through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership to help farmers enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of their farms. Funding will be used to help with the adoption of new technologies and best management practices to support soil health, water quality, and …

MoU signed on early learning & child care for First Nations

eAwazLocal News

Vancouver – Access to high-quality, inclusive child care has a profound influence on children’s language skills and identity. First Nations children, families and communities benefit greatly from culturally based early learning and child care opportunities rooted in self-determination and in the implementation of First Nations’ laws, teachings and practices. The First Nations Leadership Council (the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, …

Feds, partners invest in PEI’s public transportation

eAwazLocal News

Prince Edward Island— New and refurbished vehicles equipped with accessible features will improve operations and transportation services after a combined investment of more than $1.2 million from the federal and provincial governments along with the City of Charlottetown, the Town of Stratford, the Town of Cornwall, and Pat and the Elephant. With this funding, Charlottetown, Stratford and Cornwall have repaired and updated …

Canadian AI company to advance digital experiences for enterprises

eAwazLocal News

Montréal – Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the greatest technological transformations of our time, enabling economic development and productivity enhancements, as well as new opportunities for workers in various sectors. The federal government is committed to driving the safe, ethical and responsible development and adoption of AI across Canada’s economy and society. François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and …

Ontario Protecting Energy Jobs in North

eAwazLocal News

ATIKOKAN – The Ontario government is protecting 400 well-paying jobs in the North through a new five-year contract to enable the largest biomass-fuelled plant in North America. The Atikokan Generating Station will continue to provide affordable, reliable energy as Ontario expands its clean energy network to attract new investments and support its growing population. “Our government is supporting forestry and energy jobs in …

Canada announces contract award for maintenance of Leopard 2 tanks

eAwazLocal News

Gatineau – As part of Canada’s defence policy, Our North, Strong and Free, the federal government is committed to supporting members of our Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with the modern equipment they need to complete their missions and keep Canadians safe. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, and Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, announced that the federal government …