Borden – Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, visited Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden to provide an update on the construction of Residential Housing Units (RHUs) for members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) on several bases and wings across Canada.
The Department of National Defence (DND), through the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA), will construct 668 new RHUs and renovate more than 600 RHUs across the country over the next five years. This is a significant investment in DND’s housing portfolio and will support DND and CAF operational requirements by focusing on areas with the greatest need.
The new RHUs will include a mix of housing types, such as multi-unit buildings, row houses and semi-detached units. By building more on-base housing, DND is helping meet the housing needs of military personnel, while alleviating housing demands in surrounding communities.
While on-site today, Minister Blair officially opened and toured the new accommodations facility. This new five-storey, 15,600-m2 facility at CFB Borden will provide 350 modern sleeping quarters, common lounge areas, study areas, laundry rooms, storage, and office spaces to the recruits who will train on base. This project also includes parking for 300 vehicles and more bus stops to encourage the use of public transit. Considering new recruits spend approximately two-thirds of their time in residence, this facility will improve students’ living spaces, their ability to study and, ultimately, quality of life on the base.
This is the most recent project in a broader revitalization plan for CFB Borden, which will consolidate a number of existing facilities on the base, co-locating classrooms, accommodations quarters, and student amenities in an area close to training facilities.
As indicated in Canada’s renewed Defence policy, Our North, Strong and Free, the construction of the new RHUs are part of a broader $1.4 billion investment over 20 years for housing projects to support the men and women of the CAF. To attract and retain talent from across Canada, the Government is investing in improving CAF childcare on bases across Canada, ensuring CAF members have continuous health care between provinces and territories, and building new and rehabilitating existing housing.
“The work of the Canadian Armed Forces is only possible because of its people. With Our North, Strong and Free, we are investing in a suite of supports for our service members and their families. The construction of 668 new housing units will help house more military families in affordable homes near bases across the country.” – Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence