BC – Sport can provide important health and social benefits to all those involved. Life-long learning, enjoyment and participation in sport comes from a culture which is fun, positive, ethical and safe. These resources can help create a safer environment for sport.
Safety and Injury Prevention Resources
Play Safe BC – the Province and viaSport have partnered to prevent and address harassment, abuse, discrimination and other negative behaviours in amateur sport in B.C. through viaSport’s new Play Safe BC initiative. This initiative focuses on prevention and awareness, complaint reporting, response management and compliance. It also, through the BC Universal Code of Conduct sets the standards for acceptable behaviour by all those involved in sport.
Abuse-Free Sport Helpline – The Abuse-Free Sport Helpline, operated by the Office of the Sport Commissioner provides a confidential helpline for victims and witnesses of harassment, abuse and discrimination in sport. This toll-free line provides professional listening and referral services by phone or text at 1-888-83-SPORT (77678) or by email at info@abuse-free-sport.ca, from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, seven days a week.
Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) operates independently to receive complaints about alleged violations of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) which sets standards of behaviour for Canada’s national sport community.
Sports and Recreation Injury Prevention – British Columbians engage in a variety of sport, recreation and leisure activities throughout the year. These activities have many benefits to a person’s health and social well-being. At the same time, participation in sports and recreation often comes with some inherent risk of injury. The risk of injury, however, shouldn’t stop individuals from participating in physical activity. Becoming aware of the risks involved in an activity, learning to manage those risks, and making healthy choices are important steps in preventing dangerous risk-taking behaviours and injuries.
CATT Online – Concussion Awareness Training Tool – developed by the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, in partnership with the B.C. Government, B.C. Children’s Hospital Foundation, Child Health BC and others, this website provides free online resources for players, parents, coaches, educators and health professionals on how to manage sport concussions.
Active & Safe Central, developed by the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, is a resource for children, youth and adults who engage in or facilitate sport and recreational activities, providing information on common injuries, risk factors, and injury prevention for their activity of choice. This website is based on current research evidence from around the world.
SportMedBC is a professional not-for-profit society that promotes leadership, public awareness and education in the areas of sport medicine, sport science and sport training. Its programs provide education on running and walking, nutrition, injury prevention and treatment.