Ottawa – National Blood Donor Week and World Blood Donor Day on June 14, is an important time to raise awareness about blood, plasma and blood products donation and recognize the donors who help save lives with their contributions. In Canada, the demand for blood, plasma, and blood products remains high, especially among certain racial and ethnic communities. Donors from …
By March 31, 2025, over 30% of NFB productions be by People of Colour
Montreal — The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) has committed to ensuring that by March 31, 2025, over 30% of its productions and co-productions underway at that time will be directed by artists and filmmakers who self-identify as Black and People of Colour.* This figure represents the minimum expected outcome, as the NFB continues to evolve and adapt to Canadian …
Supports Initiatives to Prevent Family Violence in Nova Scotia, BC
Project will support families who have experienced, are experiencing, or are at-risk of experiencing violence. Halifax & BC – Family violence and gender-based violence are serious public health issues that are strongly linked to mental health concerns and can have long-lasting consequences for survivors and for those around them. These issues touch families in all parts of Canada, and include …