Investing in Pikangikum Cultural Learning and Community Centre


Pikangikum First Nation — Pikangikum First Nation is building an accessible, environmentally friendly multi-use facility to support critical needs in the community and bring about long-term positive change. This is supported by a $17 million investment from the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program. The Cultural Learning and Community Centre will have a daycare providing holistic support of children and their families, an …

Government funding to build WAHA hospital

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible of FedNor is announcing is announcing today an additional investment of $1.2 billion for the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) Hospital Redevelopment Project. Funding towards the redevelopment project will serve the 12,000 people in the Weeneebayko region, providing them with fair access to quality healthcare services closer to home. …

Expanding integrated youth service networks across Canada

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – Younger Canadians are facing unique challenges right now, grappling with the effects of war and conflict, climate change, and a rising cost of living. Their mental health needs are complex, and our response needs to mirror that reality. We have an opportunity to listen to our youth and work with them to create better mental health resources and …

Biigtigong Nishnaabeg celebrates funding for new Cultural Centre


Biigtigong Nishnaabeg – Biigtigong Nishnaabeg hosted celebrations for the signing of the Community Benefits Agreement related to the Marathon Palladium Project, a proposed palladium mine located 10 kilometres from Marathon, Ontario and 9.3 km upstream from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg territory along the banks of the culturally important Biigtigig Zibi. The agreement is a partnership between the First Nation and the proponent …