Toronto launches new Data Hub as part of Housing Action Plan

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – City of Toronto launched the new Housing Data Hub, a centralized and publicly accessible source for information and data related to housing in the city. The Housing Data Hub is an early and key deliverable under the new Housing Action Plan 2022-2026.

Later this morning, Executive Committee will consider a City staff report that details a robust work plan for new Housing Action Plan. Among other things, the plan highlights the importance of making more housing-related data accessible to the public.

The new Housing Data Hub aims to improve accountability and transparency by tracking the City’s progress on creating more housing in Toronto. The Hub will help publicly showcase the City’s clear and cohesive approach to enabling housing production to achieve or exceed the provincial housing target of 285,000 new Toronto homes in the next 10 years. It will also help track the City’s progress towards meeting its HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan target of approving 40,000 affordable rental homes by 2030.

The Housing Data Hub brings together key housing data related to the social and affordable housing portfolio under the City’s administration, including:

  • the affordable rental housing pipeline with homes that are approved, under construction and completed
  • details on rental units that have been demolished and replaced
  • the existing social housing stock and data from the Centralized Waiting List
  • maps showing where affordable rental projects in the pipeline are, as well as where social housing buildings are located in the city
  • the first annual release of the Toronto Housing Data Book

Data included in the Housing Data Hub will ensure that new policies, programs and financial investments are evidence-based to help optimize limited public resources while maximizing outcomes for Toronto residents, targeting areas and populations most in need.

Data in the Hub will be presented via online data dashboards as well as an annually published Data Book, which provides insights into the health of Toronto’s housing system by bringing together housing-related data, including looking at key housing indicators, from both City of Toronto sources and external sources, including Statistics Canada and the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation.

The Hub will continue to grow over time to include new data points that align with the strategic goals of the City. The data will also be included in the City’s Open Data portal available on the new Housing Data Hub.

Addressing Toronto’s complex housing challenges requires a whole-of-government and whole-of-community approach. Increasing the housing supply in Toronto requires new policies, programs, and financial tools from all orders of government, as well as participation from the Indigenous, non-profit and private sectors.

Read the Housing Action Plan 2022-2026: Priorities and Work Plan – Report for Action staff report.

More information about the City’s 2020-2030 HousingTO Action Plan is available on the City’s website.

“As a City, we remain laser-focused on providing meaningful solutions to Toronto’s housing challenges. The Housing Data Hub helps us track our accomplishments and opportunities for growth and allows us to continue to develop data-informed, evidence-based policies and initiatives to create new, safe and healthy homes quickly.” – Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie (Scarborough-Rouge Park)