Supporting Energy-Efficient Home Construction, Renovations in Canada

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Creating more climate-resilient homes and supporting job creation across sectors is critical to strengthening the economy while building a more sustainable future for generations to come. Julie Dabrusin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced $1.3 million in funding to CHBA over five years to accelerate the uptake of innovative technologies for both new housing and the retrofit of existing homes.

The Parliamentary Secretary also highlighted the Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s (CHBA) workshops that strengthen energy-efficient home construction and renovation across Canada. CHBA has held more than 20 successful forums and workshops since 2021, based on NRCan’s successful Local Energy Efficiency Partnership (LEEP) workshops, with over 960 participants. Moving forward, CHBA will continue to work closely with local and provincial Home Builders’ Associations to expand and deliver over 130 forums and workshops in strategic markets across Canada.

These federally-supported workshops are accelerating the uptake of innovative technologies in the construction or renovation of highly efficient houses, while removing barriers to adopting these technologies and improving supply chains across the sector. These efficiency initiatives also help to drive down costs for residents.

This funding builds on a suite of ongoing initiatives related to greener homes and buildings. The Government of Canada is taking ambitious climate action by supporting initiatives to drive down emissions and improve energy efficiency. The Government of Canada continues to support Canadians in making their homes more energy-efficient to save on their monthly energy bills, fight climate change and support good middle-class jobs.

“I was pleased to announce support for the Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s work to accelerate energyefficient construction and climate-smart retrofits across Canada. Through the upcoming green buildings strategy alongside our suite of investments in modernizing electricity and enhancing sustainable supply chains, the Government of Canada is helping communities advance to a sustainable future while creating good-paying jobs for skilled workers in the building trades.”- Julie Dabrusin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change