Strengthening Defence Relationships in Indo-Pacific

eAwazLocal News

Singapore – Through Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, Canada is committed to reinforcing its military presence in the region, in support of a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. To that end, during her visit to Singapore for the Shangri-La Dialogue, Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence, announced several initiatives to strengthen Canada’s defence presence in the Indo-Pacific.

  • Minister Anand announced that Canada will significantly enhance its military presence in the Indo-Pacific through Operation HORIZONThe new operation will replace the Indo-Pacific portion of Canada’s existing Operation PROJECTION and involve the annual deployment of an additional warship to the region, increased Canadian participation in international exercises, and strengthened relationships with regional partners through increased security cooperation. Operation HORIZON will increase opportunities to work side-by-side with allies and partners and empower Canada to play an even more active role in contributing to regional security.
  • Minister Anand noted that under Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, the Royal Canadian Navy deployed an Atlantic-based frigate to the Indo-Pacific Region for the first time in 2023. His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Montreal and the support ship Motor Vessel Asterix are currently in the region, delivering on our promise to grow our naval presence in the Indo-Pacific.
  • Minister Anand also announced that the next Deputy Commander of the United Nations Command in the Republic of Korea will be a Canadian General Officer/Flag Officer. The current Chief of the Defence Staff, General Wayne Eyre, was the first non-US General Officer appointed to the position from 2018-2019. This commitment further increases Canada’s engagement with regional partners to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
  • Minister Anand announced that Canada recently signed a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Republic of Korea on defence research and development, allowing defence scientists to share information and identify potential future partnerships. The MOU also facilitates collaboration between our respective defence organizations, which may include the exchange of information, scientists, and engineers.

“Canada is a Pacific nation, and is deeply committed to promoting a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Through Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, we are doing just that by strengthening our military presence in the region. Through Operation HORIZON, our allies and partners will be able to count on a persistent, more fulsome Canadian Armed Forces presence in the Indo-Pacific. We will continue to step up with meaningful defence contributions to the security of this region.” – Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence