Bill Blair welcomes Ukraine’s Minister of Defence, Rustem Umerov 

eAwazCanada News

Ottawa – Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, welcomed Ukraine’s Minister of Defence, Rustem Umerov, to Ottawa. Minister Umerov was received by a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) honour guard before participating in a bilateral meeting with Minister Blair.

Minister Blair and Minister Umerov condemned Russia’s illegal and unjustifiable further invasion of Ukraine, which represents an attack on the rules-based international order that keeps all countries safe. Minister Blair congratulated Minister Umerov on his recent appointment and noted Canada’s unwavering support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

Minister Blair and Minister Umerov agreed that Canada and Ukraine are close partners with a long-standing defence relationship. Operation UNIFIER, the Canadian Armed Forces military training and capacity building mission, was launched in 2015 at the request of the Ukrainian government, and in 2023, was expanded and extended until March 2026. Since the start of Operation UNIFIER, the CAF has trained over 38,000 Ukrainian military and security personnel in battlefield tactics and advanced military skills. Minister Blair reflected on his recent visit to Operation UNIFIER training in the United Kingdom and committed that Canada would continue to ensure that Operation UNIFIER activities meet Ukraine’s most pressing defence needs.

Minister Umerov provided a battlefield update and indicated Ukraine’s most pressing defence needs. Minister Blair highlighted the support Canada has committed to Ukraine since the beginning of 2022, which has now grown to over $9.5 billion in aid, including over $2.4 billion in military assistance. The Ministers look forward to working together and Minister Blair committed to stay in close contact with Ukrainian officials on a bilateral basis and through the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, so that Canada can continue to address Ukraine’s most pressing security needs. Minister Blair reiterated that Canada will continue to provide comprehensive military aid so that Ukraine can fight and win.