Joly on World Day Against Death Penalty: It does not deter crime

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today issued the following statement: “Today, on the World Day Against the Death Penalty, Canada reiterates its unequivocal opposition to the use of capital punishment in all cases.

“The evidence is clear: the death penalty as a form of punishment does not deter crime. Not only is it incompatible with human rights but it can also lead to irreversible injustice when innocent people are executed. Additionally, with many justice systems engaging in discriminatory prosecutions, it can lead to targeting of marginalized communities and of individuals who oppose autocratic rule, including political opponents and human rights defenders.

“Canada seeks clemency in all cases where Canadians face the death penalty abroad and regularly expresses opposition to its use in bilateral and multilateral forums. Canada also works closely with the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, the International Commission Against the Death Penalty and the Alliance for Torture-Free Trade, all of which aim to abolish the use of the death penalty, torture and other cruel and degrading punishments.

“On this and every day, Canada is proud to be among the majority of countries that have abolished the death penalty in law and practice. We will continue to work toward a world free of this ineffective and inhumane form of punishment.”