Minister Joly to travel to Greece, Israel and Jordan

eAwazCanada News

Ottawa – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that she will be travelling through Greece, to Israel and Jordan from October 13 to 15, 2023. During her trip, the Minister will reaffirm Canada’s support for Israel and its right to defend itself in accordance with international law, discuss the impacts of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation on Gaza, reiterate the importance of all parties respecting international humanitarian law, including the swift and unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid, as well as the protection of Israeli and Palestinian civilians.  Throughout her time in the region, Minister Joly will engage with her regional partners, including Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Jordan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Canada is shocked and saddened by the events that unfolded over the last week. My thoughts are with all civilians impacted by the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, which has also taken a toll on communities at home in Canada and around the world. My priority is to meet with partners and see first-hand the evolving situation on the ground so that Canada can provide the support most needed at this critical time.” – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs