Keeping students safe, healthy in Southeastern Ontario


Kingston — New road safety measures, signage, and safety zones surrounding schools will be implemented in Kingston thanks to the investment of $240,000 from the federal government. A Master Trail and Active Transportation Plan for Trent University in Peterborough will also be developed after a federal investment of $50,000.

Announced by Mark Gerretsen, Member of Parliament for Kingston and the Islandsthese projects will provide students of all ages with opportunities to actively travel to and from school safely. Improvements to road safety around schools in Kingston will encourage families, students, and staff to walk or bike because the measures will help assuage any safety concerns about doing so.

This project has already seen new Community Safety Zones at more than 40 elementary and secondary schools and new road pavement markings and speed reduction measures are planned.

The development of the Trent Master Trail and Active Transportation Plan will also support the creation of new opportunities for students to actively go to and come from university. This project will create a plan to expand the existing trail system through, and within, Trent. Once the expansion is completed, the trails would connect students with 11 existing nature areas on campus, while also providing them with a green and sustainable route to travel by. This investment is part of Canada’s National Active Transportation Strategy, which aims to create and improve pathways, bike lanes, and pedestrian bridges all over the country. It’s a big step towards healthier living, bringing communities closer together, and building a better connected Canada for us all.

“Our government is committed to promoting healthier lifestyles, while doing everything we can to keeping Canadians safe. I am proud that the investments announced today will do both, and will go a long way towards creating safer and closer-knit communities in Kingston and Peterborough.” – Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities