Feds supports 10 new crisis detox beds in downtown Winnipeg


Winnipeg  — The retrofitting of two buildings will create detox services at Lighthouse Mission, after an investment of more than $2.3 million from the federal government. Announced by MP Ben Carr, this project will help address the shortage of crisis detox beds in Winnipeg.

This funding will support Lighthouse Mission expanding the services it provides to people in need in the city’s downtown core. After the renovation and rehabilitation of two heritage buildings on Main Street, the Mission will provide a safe detox space for up to 10 people at a time. This will ensure that those seeking treatment for substance use and addiction have access to resources that will aid in their path to recovery. Supporting services that meet an individual’s needs across a spectrum is one of the actions the federal government is taking under the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy, an integrated approach to address the overdose crisis and other substance use harms.

Essential building systems – including HVAC, energy systems, and fire safety – will be updated and currently unused spaces in the buildings will be brought up to the building code. Today’s announcement also means that Lighthouse Mission will be able to redirect funds from utility bills to other essential programs offered. Once complete, these improvements are expected to reduce the facility’s energy consumption by an estimated 70.1% and greenhouse gas emissions by 0.52 tonnes annually.

“Every person who uses substances is on their own path and has their own unique needs, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to addiction treatment and recovery looks different for everyone. We must take action alongside all levels of government, direct care providers, first responders, families and those with lived and living experience to support people who use drugs, making sure they get the care they need, when they need it. Organizations like the Lighthouse Mission provide a beacon of hope for their community, and I am so pleased that they are providing this much needed care and support for people who use drugs in Winnipeg.” – Ya’ara Saks, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions