Investing in Programs to Prevent, Address Gender-based Violence

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New funding will help more women and survivors access critical support services

TORONTO – The Ontario government is investing an additional $18.7 million this year to help prevent and address violence against women and girls. This funding builds on the province’s existing investments of $1.4 billion over the next four years to end gender-based violence and support victims.

“Today marks the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, which honours the 14 women killed and those injured 34 years ago at l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal,” said Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services. “This day is a solemn reminder of the importance of ensuring that we do all we can to prevent gender-based violence and address its root causes. Our investments will help ensure women and girls can live in safety – free from violence.”

The $18.7 million investment includes an additional $18.14 million to approximately 400 gender-based violence service providers across the province to help them hire more staff, improve services and increase their ability to provide services to women and children. An additional $546,000 will be invested in the Women’s Economic Security Program and the Investing in Women’s Futures program to create more opportunities for women to build skills, gain employment and become financially independent.

“These investments are a continuation of our wider work to support women’s success and build a stronger Ontario together,” said Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity. “Increasing women’s participation in the economy is critical to their financial independence, their family’s prosperity, and Ontario’s economic growth. Because when women succeed, Ontario succeeds.”

This funding is part of Ontario’s $162 million agreement with the federal government through the National Action Plan to end Gender- Based Violence. “The Government of Canada is proud to support programs that help women and children experiencing gender-based violence, through the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence. Ontario-STANDS is one of many examples of this funding in action, and we commend the frontline workers who are working day after day to save lives. During the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, we remember the lives lost to violence and commit to building a safer Canada for everyone,” said Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth of Canada.

Over the next four years, the province will implement a cross-government strategy to increase funding to service providers to increase their ability to provide supports, expanding initiatives that help stop gender-based violence before it occurs, making it more seamless for women and children to transition between supports, and expand programs that provide training and employment opportunities for women so they can gain financial independence.