Deputy PM on strong public healthcare to lift up every generation


Ottawa – Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland apoke on strong public healthcare to lift up every generation.

Hello and thank you.

I will begin with a few words about the Budget Implementation Act and the steps our government is taking to strengthen the universal public health care system. Then, Minister Mark Holland will provide an update on the new Canadian Dental Care Plan. Finally, Minister Randy Boissonnault will talk about our government’s efforts to attract the doctors and nurses we need to improve health care in rural communities across Canada.

I’d like to start though, by sharing some good news about our economy. Inflation fell to 2.7 per cent in April, down from 2.9 per cent in March. That’s four months in a row that inflation has been within the Bank of Canada’s target range. Inflation has fallen to its lowest level in three years, and wages have now outpaced inflation for 15 months in a row.

This is really good news for all Canadians.

With our fiscally responsible economic plan, our government is doing everything we can to support the Bank of Canada and to help create conditions that make it possible for the Bank to lower interest rates as soon as possible.

Today, Members of Parliament are debating the Budget Implementation Act. And tomorrow, Members will vote on this important legislation.

The Budget Implementation Act would put into effect many key measures from this year’s budget, including a guarantee that the Canada Health Transfer will increase by at least five per cent per year until 2027-28. This will be done through annual top-up payments for provinces and territories that are taking steps to improve the collection and management of health data.

This year alone, provinces and territories are receiving $52.1 billion from the federal government through the Canada Health Transfer. This is the largest amount ever. That’s the equivalent of $1 billion a week, every week, going to provincial and territorial governments. We want to support them in delivering health care to Canadians, no matter where they live.

And next year, the federal government will transfer close to $55 billion, and the year after that, $57,4 billion. This support for our health care system is going to make a real difference in the lives of Canadians from coast to coast to coast. This is going to mean shorter wait times for surgeries and in the emergency room. It’s going to make it easier to see a doctor or a nurse practitioner so all Canadians can get the care they need, when and where they need it.

We know that these are real priorities for Canadians across the country. And that’s why I really want to take this opportunity to urge our fellow MPs to pass the Budget Implementation Act as soon as possible.

Our government is acting now. And it is acting decisively. Because Canadians are counting on us.

Thank you.