Canada continues to advance menstrual equity


Ottawa – Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, supported by Federal Ministers* issued the following statement in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Menstrual Hygiene Day, as the Government of Canada continues to advance menstrual equity.

“Menstrual health is an integral part of overall health, as well as a key component of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights. Yet at least 500 million women and girls globally lack proper access to menstrual health products and hygiene facilities. In Canada, one in five who menstruate say they may not be able to afford period products at some point in the next 12 months.

Lack of access to menstrual products, education, hygienic facilities, and waste management are closely linked to poverty. One in six Canadians who menstruate have personally experienced period poverty. This rises to one in four if their household earns less than $40,000 a year. Period poverty disproportionately impacts youth, single mothers, Indigenous Peoples, Black and other racialized communities, immigrants, people experiencing homelessness, people living with disabilities, gender diverse individuals, and those who live in remote areas.

The theme for this year’s campaign, Together for a Period Friendly World, recognizes the importance of access to menstrual products, including the safe and hygienic spaces in which to use them. When supported with comprehensive sexuality education that helps remove shame and stigma from menstruation, these elements play a crucial role in advancing gender equality. Ensuring access to menstrual products can break down barriers and empower adolescent girls worldwide to grow into healthy, educated, and confident women. It is fundamental to building a future where women, girls, and all people who menstruate can achieve their full potential.

Today, on the tenth anniversary of Menstrual Hygiene Day, we reaffirm the Government of Canada’s commitment to addressing the barriers related to access, affordability and stigma that many women, girls, and people who menstruate face in Canada and around the world.

Access to menstrual products is a basic necessity and key part to upholding Canadians’ sexual and reproductive health and rights. To promote menstrual health and gender equality, the Government of Canada has introduced the following initiatives:

  • Women and Gender Equality Canada currently has a national Menstrual Equity Fund pilot underway. Led by Food Banks Canada, supported by organizations throughout Canada, this pilot is expected to deliver over 74.5 million menstrual products to over 3.5 million individuals in need through food banks and other community organizations. The pilot is also supporting increased education and awareness, working with six menstrual equity organizations to inform Canadians about period poverty and reduce stigma around menstruation.
  • Employers must now provide access to menstrual products at no cost in all federally regulated workplaces. Employment and Social Development Canada is leading the project to ensure that these products are available to any employee who needs them, including cisgender women, non-binary individuals, transgender men, and intersex individuals.
  •  Health Canada has funded five projects through the Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund to improve access to education regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights. This includes projects distributing information and education resources on endometriosis to underserved populations and resources focusing on sex education including a de-colonized approach to discussing menstruation.
  • Global Affairs Canada is supporting a ten-year commitment to advance the health and rights, including the comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights, of women and girls around the world (2020-2030).

On this day of awareness, we urge everyone —including men and boys—to join the conversation on social media using #MHday2024 and #periodfriendlyCanada, wear a Menstruation Bracelet, and take action to normalize menstruation, challenge negative perceptions, and advance gender equality.

Together we can build a progressive and inclusive Canada, where no one is left behind.”

*This statement is supported by the following Ministers:

  • Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Labour
  • Mark Holland, Minister of Health
  • Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development
  • Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development