Canada imposes sanctions against Haitian gang leaders

eAwazCanada News

Ottawa – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that Canada is imposing additional sanctions under the Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Regulations to address the escalating gang violence in Haiti, which continues to have devastating effects on the Haitian population.

These latest sanctions target three Haitian gang leaders: Luckson Elan, Gabriel Jean-Pierre and Ferdens Tilus. Canada has reason to believe that these individuals, as criminal gang leaders, have engaged in activities that have undermined the peace, security and stability of Haiti and that have contributed to acts of gross and systematic human rights violations in Haiti.

Criminal gangs in Haiti operate with impunity, often with the protection of political and economic elites. They have deliberately killed, injured and committed acts of violence, including sexual violence, as a way to expand territorial control and terrorize the population.

Canada will continue to work with international partners and Haitian authorities to find a solution to the crisis in the country, including through sanctions and other measures that target those who support violence and insecurity in Haiti.

Since 2022, Canada has committed more than $400 million in international assistance funding to Haiti. This assistance includes the provision of emergency food and nutrition, logistical support, water, sanitation and hygiene, health, and protection services, particularly in response to gender-based violence.

Canada’s $400 million in international assistance funding includes an investment of $80.5 million, announced by Minister Joly in February 2024, to support the Multinational Security Support Mission to Haiti, and $100 million in support of the Haitian National Police.

“Canada will not remain idle while criminal gangs in Haiti commit unspeakable violence, terrorize vulnerable populations with impunity and undermine efforts to restore law and order in the country. We will continue to unequivocally support Haiti and its citizens, who have shown incredible strength and resilience amid complex challenges in their country.” – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs