Ontario invests $190m in most ambitious capital plan

eAwazLocal News

TORONTO — The Ontario government is delivering the most ambitious capital plan in the province’s history by investing more than $190 billion over the next decade to build and improve transit, highways, homes, hospitals, schools, long-term care facilities and other critical public infrastructure.

“Together with Infrastructure Ontario and our partners in the construction sector, we are delivering on our plan to build the public infrastructure that communities need to grow and prosper,” said Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure. “We have moved three projects out of the procurement stage and into construction, getting more shovels in the ground to build highways, hospitals and other critical assets.”

Infrastructure Ontario’s latest Market Update lists 25 major infrastructure projects with an estimated value of over $30 billion in design and construction costs. This Market Update includes significant progress in the health care field, including:

Since Infrastructure Ontario’s previous Market Update in December 2023, three projects have achieved substantial completion:

“Infrastructure Ontario is pleased to release our June 2024 Market Update that reinforces the relentless progress that we continue to make to create a modern, competitive and connected Ontario,” said Michael Lindsay, President and CEO, Infrastructure Ontario. “Notably, this update includes an expanded toolkit of contracting models that demonstrates how we are adapting to current market realities and increasingly complex projects, while building on our track record of success in delivering Progressive Design Build, Alliance and Progressive P3 projects.”