PEI to Prepare for, Respond to Wildfires


Summerside – Wildfires are increasing in frequency and in severity across Canada because of climate change, impacting our health, economies, communities and wildlife. As another difficult wildfire season is underway, the Governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island will support Canadians and Islanders threatened by wildfires while strengthening our ability to adapt to a changing climate.

Robert J. Morrissey, MP Egmont, Prince Edward Island, on behalf of Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, and Barb Ramsay, Minister of Social Development and Seniors on behalf of Steven Myers, Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Action announced a joint investment of over $3 million over four years through the Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program — Equipment Fund (FMWCC). The funding will help the province procure and increase wildland fire equipment and personnel, support resource exchanges and unlock community-based capacity.

Funding announced today will strengthen capacities and capabilities in fire management and across P.E.I. by procuring and upgrading specialized wildland firefighting equipment, such as hoses, trucks and contracted services for air support, as well as training materials and job opportunities for fire weather specialists, supervisors and students. As a result, Canada’s wildland fire preparedness and response efforts will improve response efforts to advance the safety of both communities and firefighters.

Keeping Canadians safe and healthy is the government’s top priority. Working together with provinces, territories, Indigenous communities and international allies, the federal government continues to address and support the fight against wildfires while combating the effects of climate change and ensuring public safety and protecting homes, livelihoods and lives.

“In 2023, Canada experienced the most devastating and severe wildfire season in our nation’s history and Canadians across the country are counting on the federal government to continue working urgently with provinces, territories and partners to support communities during the 2024 season. As we face predictions of intense temperatures and dry conditions over the next few months, this federal government is acting to meet the needs of Canadians where and when wildfires occur. Today’s announcement with the Government of Prince Edward Island will help to procure life-saving equipment and personnel. Through tangible and fast-flowing FMWCC funding, the Government of Canada is helping firefighters respond to the current wildfire season and prepare for a future where the impact of climate change on the severity of wildfires is increasingly obvious.” – Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources