Investing in innovation with support for Mont-Mégantic Observatory

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Quebec – Supporting innovation and growth contributes to economic development in Quebec’s regions. That is why Marie‑Claude Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue, announced, on behalf of Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED, a two‑year extension of the agreement between CED, the Université de Montréal and the Mont‑Mégantic Observatory (OMM) and an additional non-repayable contribution of $850,000. This further CED support brings the total contribution amount to $3,350,000 under this agreement, which began in 2018. The aim of the agreement is to support the OMM’s operations, enabling it to pursue its scientific programming and cutting-edge innovation activities in optics-photonics, and to maintain the Parc national du Mont‑Mégantic’s tourism appeal.

A world-class hub of technological innovation, the OMM has since 1978 pursued its mission of academic research and training in advanced astrophysics, while also popularizing astronomy among the general public. Its telescope, located at the summit of Mont Mégantic, is a major piece of infrastructure dedicated to astrophysics research. The OMM also brings together experimental astrophysics laboratories located on the campuses of the Université de Montréal and Université Laval. CED’s financial assistance will make it possible to support technological and scientific development projects, as well as maintain the Observatory’s facilities.

The Government of Canada recognizes and supports businesses and organizations that are a source of pride in their communities. Quebec’s economic growth relies on organizations with strong roots in the regional economy; they are key assets in building a sustainable, inclusive economy.

“The Mont-Mégantic Observatory is a leader in scientific innovation. It plays a fundamental role in the region and for Quebec, and this continuing partnership will enable it to pursue its research work and contribute to our region’s economic and tourism vitality.” – Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue

“Our government is committed to boosting innovation and economic development in our regions. That is why we are proud to support the Mont‑Mégantic Observatory, whose scientific activities are making it possible to not only showcase the Estrie region, but also attract more visitors of all ages. In addition, this important investment will strengthen Canada’s role as a global leader in scientific research.” – Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED