Minister Vandal announces investments in technology, innovation in Saskatchewan

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Saskatoon – Saskatchewan’s economy is diverse and growing across multiple sectors. It is built on a strong entrepreneurial culture that fosters Indigenous economic reconciliation and is driven by new technologies that help meet the needs of Canadians and the world. Our government is supporting the success of Saskatchewan’s businesses and communities as they move towards net-zero emissions through a strategy of targeted investments based on local priorities.

Local priorities were identified by local partners, governments, and organizations through an extensive consultation, and are articulated in our Framework to Build a Green Prairie Economy. Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan, announced a federal investment of over $6.3 million for nine projects to help Saskatchewan businesses access the tools and resources needed to start up, scale-up, and bring innovative products and services to new markets.

Non-repayable investments in the ecosystems supporting new businesses in Saskatchewan will help start-ups, including Indigenous businesses, navigate the first steps in establishing and growing their business. Repayable investments in high-growth businesses will help them scale-up and expand with new services, products and market reach, aiding in their future success and creating more good jobs. Examples of projects receiving support include:

  • Andgo Systems Inc. is receiving over $2 million to scale up operations and sales of their workforce management software platform.
  • Indigenous Manufacturing and Contracting Network Inc. is receiving $160,000 to provide training and mentorship opportunities for Indigenous companies in the manufacturing and contracting sectors.
  • Saskarc Inc. is receiving over $1 million to purchase automated processing equipment to increase its structural stick steel fabrication capacity.

“Our government is investing in business ecosystems and high-growth businesses to ensure that they have the support they need to succeed in Canada and the global market. The result of today’s investments in companies and organizations that support business will help improve productivity, grow and diversify labour markets in Saskatchewan, and build a prosperous green Prairie economy.” – Dan Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan