Supporting tourism development in Laval


Quebec – The tourism industry is essential to economic development in Quebec’s regions. That is why the Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED, Soraya Martinez Ferrada, accompanied by her parliamentary secretary and the Member of Parliament for Vimy, Annie Koutrakis, announced a non-repayable contribution of $520,000 for Tourisme Laval. This CED support will enable the organization to guide Laval businesses in developing and structuring the tourism offering in the region and marketing it outside Quebec.

Founded in 1982, Tourisme Laval orients and facilitates the region’s tourism industry, actively contributing to its economic prosperity. With 170 members, this non-profit organization provides leadership in welcoming tourists and promoting attractions, while also helping to create new tourism experiences through stand-out initiatives. It also plays a role in gathering its members and partners together to focus on sustainable development and is particularly known for its expertise in business tourism and sports tourism.

Its four-year project targets three of the Government of Canada’s priorities: sustainable tourism, inclusive tourism, and the acceleration of business digitization. It prioritizes tourism experiences targeted by the Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec. CED’s contribution will focus on the organization’s operating costs, which include salaries, professional fees and other costs directly related to authorized activities.

The Government of Canada recognizes and supports businesses and organizations that are a source of pride in their communities. Quebec’s economic growth relies on a strong tourism industry with organizations that have deep roots in the regional economy. The players in this sector are major contributors to growth, as well as key assets in rebuilding a stronger, more resilient, greener and more just economy for all.

“The Government of Canada is keen to support the tourism industry which, we must remember, was hit hard by the pandemic, while it plays a key role in reinforcing Quebec and Canada’s competitiveness and appeal. Tourisme Laval showcases all that the region has to offer to tourists, something it does so well! The investment announced today signals our commitment to Laval’s tourism businesses and will make it possible to attract even more people from abroad to visit us. We can be proud of all that our regions have to offer!” – Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Member of Parliament for Hochelaga, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED