Canada announces $15m aid for Lebanon, matches donations to Canadian Red Cross 

eAwazCanada News

Ottawa – Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, accompanied by members of parliament and humanitarian partners, announced that Canada will provide an additional $15 million in funding for humanitarian assistance to address urgent needs of civilians in Lebanon.

This funding will help trusted and experienced Canadian and international organizations provide food, water, emergency health care, protection services and other life-saving assistance.

The Minister also announced that Canada will allocate up to $6 million in donations made to the Canadian Red Cross’ Lebanon Humanitarian Needs Appeal and the Humanitarian Coalition’s Lebanon Emergency Appeal. Every donation made by individuals to these organizations from September 24 to November 3, 2024, will be matched to a maximum of $3 million for each appeal.

The funding Canada will provide to the Canadian Red Cross and the Humanitarian Coalition has been allocated from the $10 million in humanitarian assistance funding announced by Minister Hussen on September 28, 2024. The remaining $4 million will be allocated equally between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the World Food Programme.

Working with the Canadian Red Cross, Canada will also send relief items from its stockpiles to help the humanitarian response efforts in Lebanon, including 5,000 blankets and 1,000 hygiene kits.

Canada remains steadfast in its call for a cessation of hostilities and the need for compliance with international humanitarian law. The safety and well-being of civilians, including humanitarian workers, must be a top priority.

“The critical and immediate needs of people affected by the conflict becomes clearer with each day that goes by. This is why we are teaming up with Canadians, working together to support our partners on the ground as they provide urgent, life-saving assistance to those most impacted by this humanitarian crisis.” – Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development

“Canada is deeply alarmed by the rapid escalation of the crisis in Lebanon. We are mobilizing to ensure that Canada is there to bring much-needed assistance to the Lebanese people.” – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs