Canada imposes new sanctions against Venezuelan officials

eAwazCanada News

Ottawa – Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that Canada is imposing new sanctions against Venezuelan officials under the Special Economic Measures (Venezuela) Regulations.

These sanctions target five current or former senior officials of the Venezuelan government who have engaged in activities that directly or indirectly undermine democracy in Venezuela. All five individuals have been implicated in fraudulently declaring Nicolás Maduro the winner of the July 28, 2024, presidential election.

Canada is listing the following five individuals under the regulations:

  • Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguez Rodríguez, President of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice
  • Juan Carlos Hidalgo Pandares, Judge of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice
  • Rosalba Gil Pacheco, member of the National Electoral Council
  • Edward Miguel Briceño Cisneros, judge
  • Luis Ernesto Dueñez Reyes, prosecutor

Over the course of the elections, the people of Venezuela clearly demonstrated their commitment to the restoration of democracy in their country by voting peacefully and in large numbers. The electoral data collected by citizen witnesses and independent international observers provides credible evidence that Maduro was not the legitimate winner. Thus far, the Venezuelan de facto authorities have failed to share any substantive proof in support of Maduro’s alleged win.

In the days and weeks following the election, Venezuelan de facto authorities harshly repressed widespread demonstrations against the regime, resulting in at least 28 deaths and 43 forced disappearances, as well as 2,000 arbitrary detentions. The authorities also increased their harassment and persecution of those who publicly dissented against the crackdown, targeting opposition figures, civil society leaders, journalists and election volunteers and forcing opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia to flee to Spain on September 7.

These new sanctions align with measures taken by Canada’s allies, including the United States, earlier this year. The sanctions will seek to add additional pressure on Venezuela’s de facto authorities to respect the will of the Venezuelan people. The sanctions also aim to dissuade the authorities from taking further actions that violate the human rights of protestors, journalists, opposition leaders and other members of civil society.

Canada remains deeply concerned by the Maduro regime’s destabilizing and anti-democratic activities and the threat they pose to Venezuelans and the region. Canada is unwavering in its commitment to human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Venezuela and across the region.

“Today’s sanctions deliver a clear message: Canada will not stand by as the Maduro regime continues to ignore the democratic will of the Venezuelan people. A peaceful, negotiated and Venezuelan-led solution is needed to resolve this crisis. We are prepared to work with partners in the region to support this dialogue. But we are also prepared to use the tools at our disposal—including sanctions—to impose costs on those who seek to prevent the full expression of Venezuelans’ democratic rights. Canada will continue to stand by the people of Venezuela in these challenging times.” – Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs