Next season’s Artists’ Talks series unveiled


Toronto – The National Film Board of Canada, in partnership with the Sommets du cinéma d’animation, will be presenting a diverse program of events in its Artists’ Talks series. You won’t want to miss this rich season of sharing and discussion within the animation community!

Februrary 1, 2024

Film title: Le tableau (The Painting)
Filmmaker: Michèle Lemieux
Technique: Pinscreen animation
An NFB production
Language of talk: French

 In 2024, Michèle Lemieux will complete her latest short, Le tableau, using pinscreen animation. This visually poetic non-narrative film revisits Diego Vélasquez’s 1652 portrait of Queen Mariana of Austria with genuine feeling. The heir to the Alexeïeff-Parker pinscreen technique, Lemieux will cover the creative process around this method of animation.


March 14, 2024

Film title: LOCA
Filmmaker: Véronique Paquette
Technique: India ink on paper
An NFB production
Language of talk: French

Véronique Paquette’s first short film with the NFB, LOCA, is filled with rhythm and motion. With dynamic energy captured using India ink on paper, the filmmaker shows how dancing a liberating tango with a stranger enables a woman to reconnect with herself.


April 4, 2024

Film title: Something Over There (working title)
Filmmaker: Arash Akhgari
Techniques: Collage, ink-and-paint animation
An NFB production
Language of talk: English

In this talk, Arash Akhgari will reveal his creative process for Something Over There, a hypnotizing blend of moving collage and ink & paint animation that immerses viewers in an ocean of content: news, advertisements, entertainment, fashion. It becomes a swirling vortex of images and sounds, a mix of conflicting emotions, an intoxicating brew of mass media that one can easily drown in.



Film title: Wheetago War (working title)
Filmmaker: Amanda Strong
Technique: Stop-motion
A co-production of Spotted Fawn Productions and the NFB
Language of talk: English

Based on a Richard Van Camp novel, the short film Wheetago War is a captivating story about the far-off future, when the Wheetago—an ancient race of humans cursed with insatiable thirst and hunger—return from the ice where they were buried. In this talk, Amanda Strong shares the secrets of creating this stop-motion film and takes us inside her artistic process.