Modernizing Canada’s research support system in health


Ottawa – François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and Mark Holland, Minister of Health, made the following statement:

“As scientists and researchers work to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, their work becomes increasingly complex and interdisciplinary. To keep pace with this evolution, Canada must ensure its research support system also evolves and becomes more collaborative to best meet the needs of our diverse science and research communities. That is why in Budget 2024, our government announced that it will establish a new capstone research funding organization, within which the granting councils—the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research—will continue to exist and support excellence in investigator-driven research, including a clear and direct linkage with the Health Portfolio. This new organization will allow Canada to leverage the best parts of the current system, while also modernizing it to bring more coordination, cohesion and agility.

“In June 2024, we asked the federal granting councils to jointly undertake engagement with the research community to help inform the government’s ongoing work to create the new capstone organization. We would like to thank the granting councils and all who participated in the engagement for their valuable input that will help shape the future of the Canadian science and research support system.

“The granting councils have jointly submitted to us their summary report: What We Heard: Tri-agency engagement with the research community on modernization of the federal research support system. The government has reviewed the report and is taking it under consideration to advance the design and implementation of the capstone organization and a truly modernized, collaborative, inclusive and responsive research support system. We will continue to seek the perspectives of the science and research community, including Indigenous partners, researchers and communities, to ensure the strength of the new organization.