Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition – Hubs


Ottawa – The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) are committed to improving the health and well-being of all women and gender-diverse people in Canada.

In Budget 2021, CIHR and WAGE received funding to implement the National Women’s Health Research Initiative, a coordinated research program that addresses under-researched and high-priority areas of women’s health. CIHR and WAGE are investing $8.3M to support the creation of a Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition. The goal of the Coalition is to maximize the visibility and impact of women’s health research and practice in Canada, grounded in the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenous Rights.

The Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition is comprised of 10 virtual hubs across Canada that will eventually be linked through an overarching coordinating centre. A separate funding opportunity for the coordinating centre will be launched.

Read the definition of women’s and gender-diverse peoples’ health.

Here are the funded research hubs. The list of projects with detailed summaries can be found on the CIHR website.

Principal InvestigatorProject TitleFunding
Anick Bérard, Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-JustineThe CAnadian Mother-Child Initiative – knowledge mobilization from COnception to adulthood – CAMCCO-Outreach.$840,000
Erin A Brennand, University of CalgaryAlberta Sex, Gender and Women’s Health Hub$840,000
Lori Anne Brotto, University of British ColumbiaMobilizing knowledge to improve sexual dysfunction and genito-pelvic pain in women and gender diverse people in Canada$840,000
Patricia A Johnston, University of CalgaryInuit Perinatal Health Hub: Building Inuit-Specific Resources and Support for Inuit Women in the Kivalliq Region, Nunavut$829,133
Nicole L Letourneau, University of CalgaryThe Alliance Against Violence and Adversity (AVA) Affecting Girls, Women, and Gender-Diverse People: National Health Hub for Knowledge Mobilization and Exchange$836,414
Jessica Liauw, University of British ColumbiaImproving pregnancy and reproductive health of people experiencing incarceration in Canada by mobilizing knowledge with community partners$710,505
Mona R Loutfy, Women’s College Research Institute (Toronto, Ontario)The Women-Centred HIV Care Hub: Mobilizing and Scaling-up the Women-Centred HIV Care Model across Canada$840,000
Isabelle Malhamé, Research Institute of the McGill University Health CentreCo-creating knowledge mobilization activities to address pregnancy-related near-miss events and deaths in Canada$838,291
Kerri-Anne Mullen, Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation (Ontario)The Women’s Cardiovascular Health Hub – a pan-Canadian collaborative network to improve women’s cardiovascular health$840,000
Saraswathi Vedam, University of British ColumbiaThe Justice and Equity in Perinatal Services Hub: Community-led mobilization of evidence on models of healthcare delivery that advance quality, safety and respect.$835,002