Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Report 


Ottawa – The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has published its What We Learned Report, which summarizes the feedback received in the Policy Roundtable meetings it hosted in December. The report, along with the written submissions received, will help inform the PMPRB’s next steps toward developing new Guidelines. The What We Learned Report is a summary of the opinions and views shared by stakeholders on a variety of topics, including:

·        The PMPRB mandate

·        Assessing excessive pricing

·        Considerations for PMPRB Guidelines

·        Understanding the life sciences ecosystem

·        Alignment of PMPRB Guidelines with broader government initiatives

·        Stakeholder engagement

The PMPRB is in the process of reviewing the feedback received through this process and will announce its next steps soon. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to follow the PMPRB on X (formerly Twitter), to stay informed of new developments and announcements.