Supporting community-based projects to address HIV, Hepatitis C, other infections


Ottawa – The Government of Canada is committed to working with partners and stakeholders across the country in support of the global goal of ending viral hepatitis, HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) as public health threats. The contribution of community-based organizations is central to Canada’s ability to achieve these targets.

Projects funded by the HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund (CAF) and Harm Reduction Fund (HRF) take an integrated approach to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of prevention initiatives for these infections, along with other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections.

HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund

Through the CAF, a total of 7 projects in the Atlantic region are receiving $6,652,449 in funding.

Project: Seeing Beyond the Stigma
Locations: Moncton, New Brunswick; Fredericton, New Brunswick; Saint John, New Brunswick
Recipients: Ensemble Services Greater-Grand Moncton Inc. ($444,595); AIDS New Brunswick /SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick Inc. ($445,135); Avenue B Harm Reduction Inc. ($445,130)
Funding: $1,334,860 total
Project Details: This project will engage people who use substances in the development and delivery of training materials to educate frontline workers and health care professionals to build their knowledge and capacity to provide stigma-free, safe, culturally-appropriate STBBI testing, treatment, care and support services.

Project: HIV/HCV/STBBIs in NS: Bluenoser Prevention & Support
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Recipient: AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia
Funding: $1,213,200
Project Details: This project will reduce the transmission of STBBI by providing four programs to priority populations: Gay, Bisexual and other Men who have sex with Men; Transgender and Non-Binary people; and people living with HIV and hepatitis C (HCV). The four programs include an STBBI prevention and leadership training program, a peer-driven STBBI testing promotion program, Trauma-Informed Care training program for service providers, and a provincial Knowledge Exchange Forum.

Project: Getting to Zero – Phase 2
Location: St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Recipient: AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador Inc.
Funding: $1,150,000
Project Details: This project will use a layered approach to address challenges related to HIV, hepatitis C, and other STBBI risks for key populations in Newfoundland and Labrador. It also aims to expand access to quality, evidence-based education and services, and increase the public’s knowledge and awareness on transmission and testing options.

Project: Supporting STBBI Prevention, Testing, and Treatment in Key Populations in PEI
Location: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Recipient: Peers Alliance Inc.
Funding: $950,000
Project Details: This project, informed by the experiences of directly impacted populations, will build the skills and abilities of service providers to provide culturally safe and stigma-free STBBI prevention, testing, treatment, and support services. It also aims to increase the knowledge and uptake of STBBI prevention among cis and trans-masculine gay, bisexual, 2-spirit, queer and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) living with and at risk for HIV in PEI.

Project: Sexual Health Information Exchange Labrador District (SHIELD) Project
Location: Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador
Recipient: Labrador Friendship Centre
Funding: $899,375
Project Details: This project is a youth-led, adult supported initiative encouraging positive sexual health, personal wellness and healthy relationships through Art, Culture, and Technology activities for Indigenous Labradorians aged 11-24. SHIELD focuses on sexual health education, STBBI prevention, and harm reduction to increase capacity, knowledge, uptake and access to support services.

Project: Seeing it Our Way 2.0; Peer Led Stigma Free Intervention
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Recipient: Healing Our Nations-the Atlantic HIV/AIDS Network
Funding: $705,000
Project Details: This project aims to reduce the stigma towards off-reserve Indigenous people living with and affected by HIV, hepatitis C and other STBBI through a peer mentorship program and through interactive cultural awareness workshops.

Project: STBBI Prevention Education and Community Care Planning
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
Recipient: John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc.
Funding: $400,014
Project Details: This project will address the challenge of HIV, hepatitis C, and other STBBI amongst select federal and provincial prison populations in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The project will offer one-on-one support, and education sessions on prevention, testing, and support.

Harm Reduction Fund

Through the HRF, a total of 5 projects in the Atlantic region are receiving $2,936,936 in funding.

Project: HIV/Hep C Prevention through Urban and Rural Outreach
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
Recipient: John Howard Society of Southeastern New Brunswick Inc.
Funding: $950,000
Project Details: This project will build on existing mobile outreach services provided by the organization and community partners, by expanding the reach and capacity of a peer-led outreach team into rural communities surrounding the Greater Moncton Area. This peer-based outreach program will use an integrated design to reduce stigmatization and discrimination, reduce barriers to accessing services needed for people who use drugs and/or experience homelessness.

Project: Atlantic Peers Promote Outreach and Cultural Safety for Health (APPROACH)
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Recipient: Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Society
Funding: $852,837
Project Details: This project provides outreach and in-reach services to people who use drugs to reduce risks and stigma. The APPROACH project will develop and deliver an enhanced focus on harm reduction for Indigenous people in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Atlantic Canada through targeted programming, education and partnership with Indigenous-serving organizations and Indigenous communities.

Project: Connect
Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Recipient: Hepatitis Outreach Society of Nova Scotia
Funding: $385,174
Project Details: This project will provide education, referrals, and support to communities across Nova Scotia. Outreach workers and peer navigators will educate people who use drugs on HIV, hepatitis C, and STBBI prevention measures, and the process of testing, treatment, follow up and prevention of re-infection.

Project: Peers Leading the Way to Testing and Treatment
Location: Sydney, Nova Scotia
Recipient: The Ally Centre of Cape Breton
Funding: $374,700
Project Details: This project will strengthen the knowledge of risk factors associated with HIV and hepatitis C and reduce risk-taking behaviour of people who share drug use equipment in Cape Breton through: peer education and outreach; safer supply distribution and disposal; promoting testing and treatment; and by offering support services and follow-up to those undergoing testing and/or treatment.

Project: Stronger Together – A Peer Project
Location: Saint John, New Brunswick
Recipient: Avenue B Harm Reduction Inc
Funding: $374,225
Project Details: This project will prevent the spread of HIV, hepatitis C and other STBBI by employing people with lived experience to assist those living on the margins to access their organization.