Supporting healthy aging in Yukon under New Horizons for Seniors Program


Yukon  – Canadians deserve to age with dignity. That comes down to choice, affordability, inclusion, and community. The New Horizons for Seniors Program creates those opportunities for seniors to be more connected, supported and active members of their communities.

Brendan Hanley, MP for the Yukon, on behalf of Canada’s Minister for Seniors, Joanne Thompson, announced an investment of $315,467 for 14 community-based projects in the Yukon. These projects  will help seniors stay active, informed and socially connected in their community. This funding was awarded through the 2023-2024 call for proposals for community-based projects through the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP).

This program supports a large variety of enriching projects across the territory, allowing seniors the opportunity to engage in creative endeavours such as music composition, book making, and French theatre workshops. Additionally, they can participate in a wide range of social activities, including game nights, cultivating a community garden, and intergenerational events with youth – all aimed at fostering social inclusion and community bonding.

As part of the 2023–24 NHSP call for proposals for community-based projects, organizations were encouraged to apply for funding to deliver projects that support the national priorities for this cycle:

  • supporting healthy aging;
  • preventing senior abuse;
  • celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion; and
  • supporting financial security.

These projects further support the Government’s work to help Canadian seniors age with dignity and choice. This work also includes the Canadian Dental Care Plan, which has already helped more than 1.5 million Canadians received care including seniors, because no one should have to choose between taking care of their teeth and putting food on the table.