Brampton shares updates, tips for mild winter season


BRAMPTON – With milder winter weather throughout Brampton, the City has made changes to its winter amenities and is sharing reminders about keeping the community a vibrant place to live and play.

Brampton outdoor skating rinks will close for the season as of Monday, March 4, 2024.
Due to unseasonably warm temperatures and with the upcoming arrival of spring, the City of Brampton’s outdoor skating rinks will close for the season. Residents can continue to enjoy skating indoors year-round with drop-in skating and shinny at the City’s recreation centres as well as registered skating lessons. A full list of recreational programming is available online at
Mount Chinguacousy will close for the season as of Monday, March 4, 2024.
The warmer temperatures are also impacting operations at Mount Chinguacousy. The hill will close for the season.
Winter litter prevention and removal
Mild weather conditions and melting snow are also revealing litter across Brampton. The City has proactively initiated litter collection activities ahead of schedule while ensuring the maintenance of its standard winter service levels.
Everyone has an important role to play in keeping Brampton a clean and sustainable community.
Here are tips and reminders:
  • Put litter in garbage bins.
  • Sort your waste. Use garbage, recycling and organics bins.
  • Pick up after your dog.
  • Do not dump household garbage, construction materials, appliances, furniture, or other waste items on someone else’s property, along the roadside, or at another undesignated area.
With City staff working daily to remove litter and debris, residents are encouraged to contact 311 to report garbage bin overflowing, debris, or illegal dumping.
Flooding (in various forms) can potentially interrupt many of our daily activities relating to your home, roadways, and watercourses within the community. For tips on what to do before flooding happens and what to do if flooding occurs, visit this website.
Emergency preparedness
Emergencies can strike any time and any place without warning. During these times, emergency responders will need to assist those residents in urgent need first. This means it is important to be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for at least 72 hours during a major emergency. In these circumstances, you will need an emergency preparedness kit with adequate supplies to keep you and your family self-sufficient.
Find safety tips and emergency kit information here.