Canada investing over $1m in Pickle Lake


FedNor funds will help support the community’s municipal revitalization plan

Pickle Lake – Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister responsible for FedNor, announced a FedNor investment of $1,095,819 in the Township of Pickle Lake. The funds will support the construction of a community services and training centre, a key part of Pickle Lake’s comprehensive municipal revitalization plan.

The facility, which will be constructed at the entrance to the community’s downtown, will provide space for training, economic development and business support, and rentable space for local and visiting businesses. It will also provide flex space capable of hosting revolving community events, such as the Blackfly Festival.

In addition, the over 370 square metre facility will house the local offices of the Kenora District Services Board (KDSB). The current KDSB location will provide further opportunities in the form of possible community, co-working, or multi-purpose space.

This investment will foster business development, new partnerships, and critical economic infrastructure within the community. This project will help Pickle Lake to better respond to large-scale opportunities available to the community, which represents an important regional hub, and will support sustained local economic development.

“Pickle Lake’s new community service and training centre will provide residents with the tools they need to succeed in their life and career, directly in their community. This centre will create good stable jobs and help grow an economy that works for everyone.”  – Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and Minister Responsible for FedNor