Investing in revitalization of Broadway’s tree canopy in Winnipeg


Winnipeg – Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for PrairiesCan and CanNor and Member of Parliament for Saint Boniface-Saint Vital, and Scott Gillingham, Mayor of the City of Winnipeg, announced a joint investment of more than $5.4 million to support the Trees on Broadway project.

Broadway is a historic street located in Winnipeg’s downtown. Due to various factors, the health of the trees lining the bustling street have been adversely impacted in recent years. This investment will support the restoration of Broadway’s tree canopy. The project will involve the strengthening and reinforcement of a root drainage system along 30,000 square metres of urban forest along this corridor. This work will lead to the healthy development of up to 75 planted trees, decreasing the effects of heat islands – a phenomenon where urban surfaces such as buildings and roadways absorb and emit heat more than most natural surfaces. By reducing urban heat islands, we can reduce energy costs, air pollution levels, and heat-related illness and mortality.

Broadway will also see an improvement in its stormwater management, increasing the community’s resilience against flooding. This work will enhance public access by improving sidewalks and other pedestrian design elements, enabling residents to enjoy Winnipeg’s urban core using this lively street now and into the future.

By investing in infrastructure, the Government of Canada is growing our country’s economy, building resilient communities, and improving the lives of Canadians.

“With extreme weather events becoming more frequent, it is more important than ever we build more resilient communities to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. In partnership with the City of Winnipeg we will ensure a healthy tree canopy lies along Winnipeg’s historic Broadway. We will continue to support projects such as this, that protect our environment and support healthy and resilient communities for years to come.” – Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for PrairiesCan and CanNor and Member of Parliament for Saint Boniface-Saint Vital, on behalf of Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities