Investing to protect Tuktoyaktuk from coastal erosion


Tuktoyaktuk-Michael McLeod, Member of Parliament for Northwest Territories, His Worship Erwin Elias, Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk, and Duane Smith, Chair and CEO of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, announced a federal investment of more than $53.7 million to mitigate current and future impacts of climate change on the shoreline of the Inuvialuit community of Tuktoyaktuk.

Through this investment, armoured rock and other materials will be installed along the shoreline most impacted by erosion and in front of Tuktoyaktuk Island to reduce the force of the waves that are washing away the land that this community is situated on. The island provides some natural protection from further erosion, but requires built infrastructure to ensure it keeps serving that function. In addition, as a preventive or pre-emptive measure, improvements to existing concrete slab protections will be made, along with other upgrades to the barrier beach at the south end of the community. This will help the community prepare for future climate change scenarios.

Arctic communities in the Beaufort Region have become more vulnerable to the effects of climate change with declining sea ice, warmer temperatures, and increased frequency and intensity of storms. Due to its geographical location, the Inuvialuit Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk is particularly affected by rapid coastal erosion of up to one metre each year, flooding, and permafrost thaw. Inuvialuit and residents are at great risk of losing the very land where they live, work and play as well as the services on which the Hamlet relies, such as the health care centre and the local college.

In recent years, several homes have had to be moved inland due to erosion. This new mitigation infrastructure means that Inuvialuit and local residents of Tuktoyaktuk will be more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Through collaborative work and ongoing engagement with Indigenous communities, this project will ensure future generations can continue to live in this community, preserving the rich history and tradition of the region. The construction of this project will be carried out in partnership with the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and local Inuvialuit businesses, thereby creating local jobs for Inuvialuit and northerners. By investing in infrastructure, the Government of Canada is growing our country’s economy, building resilient communities, and improving the lives of Canadians.

“We are working together to keep northern communities safe. Residents of Tuktoyaktuk are at the forefront of building a more climate resilient future. Today’s investment supports the community in managing and adapting to the increasing severity of the climate impacts they are facing now and into the future.” – Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities