Ontario Seizes 386,000 Unmarked Cigarettes


Ontario – Description of Seizures: The Ministry of Finance conducted five investigations within the last two months resulting in a total seizure of 386,000 unmarked cigarettes, as well as 527,000 grams of unmarked waterpipe tobacco products. Nineteen people face charges for offences under the Tobacco Tax Act.

April 12, 2023Burlington47,000 unmarked cigarettes
April 12, 2023Brantford60,000 unmarked cigarettes
April 13, 2023Brantford13,200 unmarked cigarettes
April 13, 2023Burlington30,000 unmarked cigarettes
April 26, 2023Ottawa116,000 unmarked cigarettes and 527,000 grams of unmarked waterpipe tobacco products.
May 8, 2023Burlington90,000 unmarked cigarettes
May 8, 2023Burlington8,000 unmarked cigarettes
May 9, 2023Brantford21,200 unmarked cigarettes