Toronto invites residents to become Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions


Toronto – The City of Toronto is inviting residents and community leaders to become Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions, a role that helps to inspire local participation and climate initiatives. Participants will receive training and support to empower them to work with residents and develop climate action projects that reduce greenhouse gases and reflect the needs and values of their communities.

Participants are required to commit four to five hours per month (minimum 50 hours per year) to engage with their community to develop and implement neighbourhood-based projects. Each participant will receive an honorarium of $500. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, live in Toronto and have strong interpersonal and leadership skills. Priority will be given to applications from community leaders and residents from communities experiencing social, economic and equity deserving groups including people of colour, newcomers, 2SLGBTQ+, women, Indigenous peoples and people with disabilities.

The program supports the City’s TransformTO Net Zero Strategy, which sets an ambitious target to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto to net zero by 2040. The largest sources of local emissions in Toronto are homes and buildings, transportation and waste. Projects initiated through the program since its launch in 2020 include eco-mentorship programs, neighbourhood cycling workshops and tours, a sharing library for community events, food waste reduction and cooking demonstrations, educational webinars in multiple languages and climate action murals. Applications to join the Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions program will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on November 22. Residents can learn more and apply on the City’s webpage.

“Supporting community-based climate action is a key element of the City’s TransformTO Net Zero Strategy. Everyone can play a part in helping to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040. I encourage interested residents to get involved as Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions.” – Councillor Dianne Saxe (University-Rosedale), Mayor’s Environmental Champion