$7.5m provided for commercial beekeepers after winter losses in 2021/22

eAwazLocal News

Winnipeg – Manitoba beekeepers will be eligible for support from the federal and provincial governments to rebuild their hives following extraordinary losses incurred over the winter of 2021/22, Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today.

There are about 115,000 hives in the province, with 95% of hives belonging to commercial beekeepers. Manitoba’s honey bee industry experienced high losses over the winter of 2021/22, as did numerous beekeepers across Canada. In Manitoba, 2021/22 winter losses were estimated to be 57% of colonies; normal losses are typically in the range of 30%, Minister Johnson noted.

Purchasing replacement hives is the fastest option for returning to full production capacity. Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership and AgriRecovery, commercial beekeepers with 50 or more hives who are registered with the province can apply to purchase replacement hives.

“Beekeepers and healthy bee populations play a vital role in the sustainable production of many high-value agricultural crops. With support to help overcome this unique sector challenge and recover unexpected colony losses, beekeepers will be better equipped for future growing seasons.” – Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Picture courtesy: Manitoba’s honey bee industry