70,000 Canada Summer Job Opportunities for youth available

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Quebec – The Government of Canada is creating generational fairness by creating opportunities for young Canadians to develop their skills and to bolster their experience so they can not only enter, but thrive within the workforce.

Jean-Yves Duclos, on behalf of Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, highlighted the impact of the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program in creating over 70 000 job opportunities for youth across Canada. In Quebec only, this represented nearly 15,000 jobs created for young Canadians in 2023. This initiative is part of the Government of Canada’s ongoing commitment to support young Canadians, making life more affordable and providing them with the skills and experience needed to build a better future.

The Canada Summer Jobs program prioritizes projects that support youth who face barriers to employment. This includes youth with disabilities, Indigenous youth, as well as Black and other racialized youth. By providing all young people with equitable opportunities to develop their skills, Canada Summer Jobs can help them to succeed in an evolving labour market.

This year’s budget includes a proposed $200.5 million investment for 2025-26 to continue the Canada Summer Jobs program, further demonstrating our commitment to creating opportunities for young Canadians. These job opportunities have enabled youth to gain valuable work experience, develop essential skills, and earn money over the summer in various sectors, including those facing critical labor shortages such as housing construction.

Canada’s success depends on the success of its youngest generations. Gen Z are a diverse group, from those who are starting to think about their future career years from now, to those just starting their first full-time job. They have a lifetime of opportunity ahead—and we are empowering them to aim high.

Lifting up Gen Z by ensuring they have good opportunities to launch their career will be critical to Canada’s economic growth potential in the years to come. As baby boomers are increasingly reaching retirement age, our younger workforce must be equipped with opportunities to build their skills and gain meaningful work experience. Gen Z needs the confidence of knowing they will find a good job that will help them get ahead.

Through initiatives like Canada Summer Jobs, the Government of Canada is committed to supporting youth at every stage of their journey towards a bright and prosperous future. Our focus remains on making life more affordable and providing the opportunities young Canadians need to thrive. Together, we are building a fairer generation and a stronger Canada.

“The Canada Summer Jobs program is more than just an employment program, it’s an investment in the potential of young Canadians and the economic vitality of our communities. This program gives thousands of employers the opportunity to meet their staffing needs over the summer, and it gives youth valuable work experience that will set them up for a lifetime of success in the job market. It’s a win-win for employers and for young people across Canada.” – Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth

“Youth in Canada are one of our most important resources and we are committed to providing meaningful work experiences to help them grow and develop. Through the Canada Summer Jobs program, we are supporting youth at every stage of their journey towards a bright and prosperous future.” – Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Public Services and Procurement