Brampton for safer, cleaner, healthier places to call home

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Brampton – The City of Brampton is dedicated to maintaining safe and healthy neighbourhoods for all to enjoy. From ensuring rental units meet proper standards to safe roads for all users and to cleaner communities free of litter and household waste, the City is committed to enhancing the overall quality of life for residents. Here are tips and helpful reminders to contribute to making Brampton the best and safest place to live, work and play.

Register now for the Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program (RRL)

Brampton’s Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program aims to maintain neighbourhood character, enforce property standards and uphold the Ontario Fire Code for safety to create safer places for renters to call home. Landlords in Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 with one to four rental units must obtain a licence per property. Those registering their rental units before June 30, 2024, will receive a $300 fee waiver and possible renewal fee exemption if there are no violations during the two-year pilot.

Legal rental units contribute to the well-being and safety of residents, potentially saving lives and improving overall quality of life. Ensuring smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms, proper ventilation and safe electrical systems are in place, significantly reducing the risk of accidents, fires and exposure to hazardous conditions.

Residents and landlords all have an important role in keeping Brampton a safe and prosperous community. By adhering to local by-laws and programs and encouraging others to do the same, everyone can help create a neighbourhood where everyone feels safe, enhancing the quality of life for all residents.

Registration process

The application process includes the following components:

  • Fillable Application Form: Property owners must complete a fillable application form. This form collects essential information, including property owner details, an acknowledgment of adherence to the pilot program and consent for inspections.
  • Rental Unit Information (Form A): Property owners are encouraged to provide details about their rental units, including sleeping areas, kitchens, bathrooms and other relevant information. This fillable form is optional and not required for ARUs that have not modified their unit.
  • Property Owner Authorization and Declaration (Form B): This form ensures that property owners authorize the application and declare their commitment to program compliance.
  • Insurance Declaration (Form C): Property owners must submit proof of insurance coverage for their rental properties.

For more details on the RRL pilot program and forms, visit​.

How to park safely on a street

The City of Brampton permits street parking so long as it does not obstruct the flow of traffic and complies with posted signage. Inoperative, immobile or unlicensed vehicles are prohibited from being parked on a roadway. It is important to follow all street signs to avoid fines or towing.

To park legally and safely in a permitted area on a street in Brampton, residents cannot:

  • park on any street between the hours of 2 am and 6 am
  • park on any street for longer than 3 hours
  • park a vehicle taller than 2.6 metres and/or longer than 6.7 metres, including any attachments or trailers, on residential streets

The City accepts requests for parking considerations, allowing individuals to park on streets for more than three hours and or between 2 am and 6 am for up to 14 days each calendar year per vehicle licence plate.

How to park safely on a residential driveway

Vehicle parking is restricted to designated driveways and permitted areas on private property. Vehicles are not permitted to be parked on unpaved or natural areas such as lawns. When parking on a residential driveway, vehicles should not obstruct or overhang sidewalks.

Fire routes are prohibited parking areas

Fire routes help first responders access buildings quickly in the event of an emergency. They can include driveways and laneways near entrances to emergency services (i.e. fire hydrants, hose connects, etc.) at buildings, stores and schools. Blocking these routes can be dangerous for everyone. Do not park or stop in a marked fire route to avoid receiving a significant fine or having your vehicle towed.

Proper waste removal

Residents are required to keep their property free from garbage, debris and hazardous or unsightly conditions.

In partnership with the Region of Peel, the City of Brampton helps ensure the proper disposal of garbage and debris and provides guidelines around properly storing Peel Region waste carts. Waste carts must be stored in the garage, side yard between houses or backyard. In some cases, waste carts may be stored in the front yard if:

  • a side yard is less than one metre
  • access to the rear yard is less than the width of a waste cart
  • there is no accessory building, carport or garage
  • a single-car garage is a required parking spot
  • there is no reasonable alternative (e.g. stairs to access side or rear yard)

Visit this website ​for more information.

Grass cutting and yard maintenance

As the Parks, Maintenance and Forestry crews continue to mow grass and manage weeds in parks and along boulevards, residents are encouraged to do the same in their yards. Here are a few tips to remember:

  • Yards should be free from dead, decayed or damaged trees.
  • Yards should be protected with suitable ground cover that prevents soil erosion and reduces water runoff, such as grass, mulch or any other surface that allows water to be absorbed by the ground.
  • Hedges, shrubs, bushes, trees and vegetation should be maintained and trimmed to ensure the safety, visibility and passage of the general public.
  • Lawns on private property should not exceed eight inches or 20 centimetres and should be repaired when damaged. If your grass is taller than a soccer ball, it is time to cut it.

About City of Brampton Enforcement and By-law Services

The City of Brampton is committed to ensuring the safety, well-being and prosperity of the community through by-laws that help maintain a high quality of life for Brampton residents and businesses. Knowing and following by-laws helps everyone enjoy a clean, safe neighbourhood and shared public spaces. To learn more, visit​

If in need of by-law assistance or looking for more information about Brampton’s by-laws, residents can submit and track service requests by calling 3-1-1, through the 311 Brampton app or by visiting Service Brampton online at In-person services are available at multiple locations, visit the web page for locations and hours. To report a noise violation, download the noise reporting package​.