Building over 24,000 new homes in Brampton 

eAwazLocal News

BRAMPTON – City of Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities and Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, announced a partnership to fast-track the construction of more than 3,150 residential units over the next three years and the development of more than 24,000 homes over the next decade. Through the Housing Accelerator Fund, the Federal government will provide $114 million to the City of Brampton to support this ambitious housing initiative.

This strategic partnership between the Government of Canada and the City of Brampton aims to tackle housing affordability and address the increasing demand for housing in the City. The investment will provide a significant boost to the housing supply in Brampton while encouraging innovative and efficient development practices to enable more families to find affordable housing.

The City of Brampton is experiencing rapid population growth, and this investment will play a crucial role in meeting the housing needs of current and future residents. Earlier this year, The City made a bold commitment and announced its Municipal Housing Pledge, a goal of building 113,000 new homes by 2031.

Brampton remains committed to advocating for funding, such as the Housing Accelerator Fund to meet this target and to ensure soft infrastructure including healthcare, transit and transportation, education, and social services, are available to serve the community’s needs.

About Brampton’s Housing Strategy and Action Plan

With a dedicated focus on ensuring that all of its residents have access to safe and affordable homes, Brampton has implemented a comprehensive strategy and action plan. Housing Brampton was developed following a comprehensive consultation and was approved and endorsed by City Council on May 19th, 2021. The Strategy and Action Plan consists of four Big Moves and 16 Action Items which respond to the current and future housing needs of Brampton residents.

About Brampton’s Municipal Housing Pledge 

The City of Brampton has set a municipal target of building 113,000 new homes by 2031. This pledge demonstrates the City’s commitment to unlocking more housing, streamlining development approvals, removal of barriers, and accelerated planning in support of the province’s housing target. Brampton’s Housing Pledge provides information on the many ongoing and planned City initiatives supporting growth and accelerating new housing supply in Brampton.

About the Housing Accelerator Fund

The Housing Accelerator Fund helps cut red tape and fast-track at least 100,000 new homes for people in towns, cities, and Indigenous communities across Canada. It asks for innovative action plans from local governments, and once approved, provides upfront funding to ensure the timely building of new homes, as well as additional funds upon delivering results. Local governments are encouraged to think big and be bold in their approaches, which could include accelerating project timelines, allowing increased housing density, and encouraging affordable housing units.

“The City of Brampton is a committed partner in the solution for more affordable housing for residents. We are thankful for the Government of Canada’s continued partnership and investment in our community, including today’s announcement of $114 million through the Housing Accelerator Fund with a goal of creating more than 24,000 homes over the next decade, through the City’s new Official Plan, Housing Strategy and Action Plan, and Municipal Housing Pledge. This growth will be supported sustainably and strategically, focusing on higher-density development near transit corridors to ensure that while we’re meeting the needs of residents, we’re also reducing barriers to the development of housing in key areas of the city further spurring new incentive programs for affordable housing.”  – Patrick Brown, Mayor of Brampton

“Today’s agreement marks a major milestone for Brampton and its residents. By working hand in hand with the federal government, we are accelerating the construction of much-needed homes in our growing city. This investment will address housing challenges, and make Brampton an even more attractive place to live, work, and play. We are grateful for the ongoing collaboration and this investment from the Government of Canada.” – Michael Palleschi, Regional Councillor, Wards 2 & 6; Chair, Planning and Development Committee