CAA Drives Change: Campaign for Safer Roads 

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa— To enhance road safety and promote active transportation, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) recently launched a public awareness campaign about the benefits of active transportation. The campaign will focus on enhanced personal safety, accessibility, and the health and well-being of all road users. It is supported by a combined investment of $85,000 from the federal government and the CAA.

Announced by Minister Fraser, and Ian Jack, CAA Vice President of Public Affairsthis project is focused on promoting and discussing the ins and outs of safely coexisting on roadways. The campaign raises awareness of how to safely share the road, with the goal of better protecting vulnerable road users, such as cyclists. It also discusses proper safety tips for road users, helping people feel safer riding their bicycles and leading them to feeling more comfortable using active transportation options.

This investment contributes to Canada’s National Active Transportation Strategy by supporting planning and awareness activities. These activities help promote the benefits of active transportation and increase opportunities for Canadians to use it. It’s a big step towards healthier living and building resilient communities, making a better-connected Canada for us all!

“This partnership exemplifies the collective responsibility we share towards ensuring the safety of Canadians. I’m proud that we’re able to support this campaign that will make a significant impact across the country.” – Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities