Canada calls for proposals for community projects for seniors 

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Gatineau – Canadians deserve to age with dignity. That comes down to choice, to affordability, to inclusion, and to community. For 20 years, the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) has helped the Government of Canada deliver on that promise to Canadian seniors by supporting those organizations working to make their lives better.

Canada’s Minister of Seniors, Steven MacKinnon, launched the 2024–25 call for proposals for community-based projects through the NHSP. Organizations can apply for funding to deliver projects that will help seniors be more connected and active members of their communities. Organizations are encouraged to reflect the four national priorities for this cycle as part of their projects:

  • supporting healthy aging;
  • preventing senior abuse;
  • celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion; and
  • supporting financial security.

The NHSP funds a wide variety of projects, such as online computer classes, financial literacy and fraud prevention education, meal deliveries, and the purchase of equipment to help keep seniors informed, connected and engaged.

The call for proposals is open until September 12, 2024. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications electronically on the Grants and Contributions Online Services portal. Creating an account is a one-time process that allows organizations to apply for various Employment and Social Development Canada funding opportunities in a secure web environment. Organizations serving seniors can access support to prepare their application by contacting their nearest NHSP office. For details on how to apply, visit

“Every year, the New Horizons for Seniors Program funds thousands of projects that enrich the lives of Canadian seniors, fight loneliness and build community. I encourage all eligible organizations to apply to this year’s call for proposals.” – Minister of Labour and Seniors, Steven MacKinnon