Celebrating new Arctic, Offshore Patrol Ships shipbuilding milestones

eAwazLocal News

Nova Scotia – The Canadian Coast Guard serves Canadians everyday by protecting lives and the environment, and supporting the safe movement of goods in our waterways. The renewal of its fleet ensures the Canadian Coast Guard can continue to carry out its important work for years to come, while supporting innovation and creating new shipbuilding jobs from coast to coast to coast.

Today, Darren Fisher, MP for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour, on behalf of Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, was at Irving Shipbuilding Inc. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to celebrate significant construction milestones for the Canadian Coast Guard’s two new Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships and to announce their selected names.

A keel laying ceremony was held for the first Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship, the CCGS Donjek Glacier. The keel laying marks the moment when the first constructed module, or block, is placed in position and the ship begins to take form. Additionally, a ceremony to signify the start of construction was held for the second Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship, the CCGS Sermilik Glacier.

The Canadian Coast Guard’s new versatile and ice-capable ships will support fisheries enforcement and surveillance missions on Canada’s east coast, including Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization patrols. They will also support offshore search and rescue and icebreaking operations in Arctic and southern waters, strengthening Canada’s presence in the Arctic.

In addition to their primary missions, the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships will be able to support environmental response and aids to navigation maintenance, allowing greater flexibility and adaptability for the Canadian Coast Guard’s operations. Outfitted with science equipment and a medical facility onboard, these modern ships will also be able to conduct scientific research and support humanitarian assistance missions.

The two ships are being built under the National Shipbuilding Strategy. Through the National Shipbuilding Strategy, the Government of Canada continues to make significant investments in modernizing the Canadian Coast Guard fleet while creating skilled jobs in Canada’s shipbuilding and marine industries.

“These milestones underscore the Government of Canada’s dedication to continuously sustain and enhance the Canadian Coast Guard’s maritime capabilities. We are proud to stand ready to meet future challenges, supporting the well-being of all Canadians and creating skilled jobs in our shipbuilding and marine industries across the country.” – Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard