Investing $350m in sustainable aviation innovation network

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Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Technology of Canada will support the green transformation of the aerospace industry

Paris – François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced an investment of $350 million to support Canada’s new Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Technology (INSAT) aimed at accelerating the green industrial transformation of the aerospace industry.

This investment, via the Strategic Innovation Fund, will establish a pan-Canadian, industry-led aerospace network focused on funding collaborative research and development projects with companies of all sizes across the Canadian supply chain, from coast to coast to coast. Projects will focus on four key technology areas: hybrid and alternative propulsion; aircraft architecture and systems integration; transition to alternative fuels; and aircraft support infrastructure and operations.

This announcement is in direct response to the main recommendation stemming from consultations led by the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada involving over 450 industry representatives and other stakeholders nationwide.

The aerospace industry is one of the most innovative and export-driven sectors in Canada, contributing close to $27 billion and more than 210,000 jobs to the economy. In partnership with the aerospace industry and in line with Canada’s Aviation Climate Action Plan, the federal government is committed to taking concrete action that will foster innovation, bolster competitiveness and position Canada as a global leader in sustainable aviation.

“Our government is committed to making Canada a leader and a strategic partner of choice when it comes to sustainable aviation. Today’s $350 million investment to support the Initiative for Sustainable Aviation Technology will help drive and accelerate the green industrial transformation of Canada’s aerospace industry, generating high-value jobs while strengthening supply chains and supporting the transition to a net-zero economy.” – François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry