Investing over $71m on high-speed internet for over 22,000 homes

eAwazLocal News

Ontario – Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development, together with Kinga Surma, Ontario’s Minister of Infrastructure, and Goldie Ghamari, Member of Provincial Parliament for Carleton, announced over $71 million in combined federal and provincial funding to bring high-speed internet access to over 22,000 homes in underserved communities across eastern Ontario.

The communities that will benefit from these projects include:

Internet service providerCommunities
CogecoBattersea, Inverary, Marysville
Bell CanadaAlgonquin, Athens, Blanchards Hill, Brockville, Charleston, Delta, Domville, Eastons Corners, Johnstown, Lyn, Maitland, Mallorytown, Maynard, North Augusta, Portland, Prescott, Spencerville, Spring Valley, Tincap, Toledo
Bell CanadaCardinal, Domville, Eastons Corners, Hallville, Inkerman, Johnstown, Kemptville, Merrickville, Mountain, North Augusta, North Gower, Osgoode, Oxford Mills, Oxford Station, South Mountain, Spencerville, Ventnor
Bell CanadaAmherstview, Bath, Battersea, Codes Corner, Gananoque, Harrowsmith, Inverary, Ivy Lea, Kepler, Lyndhurst, Morton, Napanee, Odessa, Perth Road, Sandhurst Shores, Seeleys Bay, Selby, Strathcona, Sydenham, Verona, Willowbank, Yarker
Bell CanadaBalderson, Blanchards Hill, Dwyer Hill, Eastons Corners, Elphin, Fallbrook, Franktown, Glen Tay, Innisville, Jasper, Lanark, Lombardy, Maberly, McDonald’s Corners, Merrickville, Newboro, Perth, Port Elmsley, Portland, Rideau Ferry, Smiths Falls, Watsons Corners, Wemyss