New roadmap for advancing reconciliation, self-determination launched

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Muskeg Lake Cree Nation and the Government of Canada announced that a Letter of Understanding has been signed that will help guide their work as Treaty partners to implement the First Nation’s inherent right to self-government, support reconciliation measures and reaffirm their nation-to-nation relationship. This collaborative work will be driven by Muskeg Lake Cree Nation’s self-determined priorities, which includes working together to implement the First Nation’s inherent right to self-determination and move beyond the colonial Indian Act.

The initial focus of these conversations will be on developing a governance agreement, but a range of priorities have been identified for ongoing discussion. This includes child and family services, policing and justice reform, public safety, health and other initiatives designed to promote community well-being and advance reconciliation. This joint work will help implement the First Nation’s vision of self-determination and create new opportunities for building on their successes in community and economic development. Efforts to advance Muskeg Lake priorities will be supported by the parties’ mutual commitment to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The Government of Canada is working with Indigenous partners on shared solutions to address their unique priorities, recognize and implement their inherent rights and support their visions of self-determination and a better future for their communities.

“Today we are marking an important step toward a renewed relationship with Muskeg Lake Cree Nation. This Letter of Understanding sets the stage for collaborative work to advance the First Nation’s priorities, their inherent right to self-determination and their vision of a better future for their community.” – Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations