Ontario Welcomes $4M Manufacturing Investment

eAwazLocal News

CES Transformers expansion will create 80 good-paying jobs in Markham

Markham — The Ontario government is welcoming a $4 million investment by CES Transformers, a leading manufacturer of power transformers, the devices used to transmit electrical power from one circuit to another. This investment, to expand the company’s existing facility and increase production, will create 80 new, good-paying jobs in Markham.

“By cutting red tape and lowering the cost of doing business, our government continues to create the right conditions for local manufacturers to expand and create more good-paying jobs,” said Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. “With over 820,000 workers in the manufacturing sector, manufacturing employment in Ontario is now the highest it has been since December 2008. Thank you, CES Transformers, for choosing Ontario.”

With their $4 million investment, CES Transformers will expand their existing facility in Markham, upgrade their equipment and train additional staff. The expanded facility will help them scale production to meet growing demand, so that other Ontario companies are able to source their products locally, instead of needing to purchase products from outside the country. As part of this investment, the government is providing CES Transformers with nearly $610,000 in funding through the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation and Competitiveness (AMIC) stream of its Regional Development Program.

“Choosing to invest back into Ontario was important to CES Transformers. The AMIC grant from the Government of Ontario has allowed us to focus on taking on a larger role in supporting the demand of the electrical grid,” said Chris Espielithies, President of CES Transformers. “We are proud of our role in supporting infrastructure growth throughout our communities and cities.”

Ontario is investing $140 million through its Regional Development Program to help companies across the province grow and expand. To date, Ontario has provided more than $100 million to support more than 90 projects through the program, leveraging more than $1 billion in new investments and helping to create more than 2,100 jobs in the province. Applications for the latest round of the Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness stream of the Regional Development Program are open until September 14, 2023.