Transport Canada makes vehicle safety recall information more accessible to Canadians

ShaziaLocal News

Ottawa – The safety of Canada’s road users is a top priority for the Government of Canada, which is why we are taking new steps to ensure safety information is easily readily available and accessible to all Canadians.

The Minister of Transport and Internal Trade, Anita Anand, announced that the Government of Canada amended the safety regulations under the Motor Vehicle Safety Actrequiring all vehicle and vehicle equipment manufacturers to publish safety recall information on their websites.

Previously, manufacturers were only required to mail recall information to affected owners. While some manufacturers already made recall information available online, the amended regulations now make it mandatory for all of them to do so.

In addition, designated vehicle manufacturers will be required to provide a new Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) lookup tool that allows Canadians to quickly check which recalls apply to their vehicle by looking up their 17-digit VIN on their manufacturer’s website.

Unresolved safety issues can pose serious risks to vehicle occupants and other road users. Transport Canada encourages all vehicle and vehicle equipment owners to have any safety recalls addressed as soon as possible.

“Easy access to recall information online is an obvious step to ensure the safety of Canadians. Roughly one in five vehicles in Canada in use on our roads has an unresolved recall issue. I encourage everyone to check if they have any outstanding recalls on their vehicles, tires, or child car seats.” – Anita Anand, Minister of Transport and Internal Trade