Holland concludes discussions at G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting in Italy


Ottawa – The G7 global health partnership drives progress on critical health issues through collaboration. Through these engagements and a steadfast commitment to equitable health outcomes for all, health leaders are paving the way for solutions that address current challenges and future health threats.

Mark Holland, Minister of Health, met with G7 health leaders and international health partners to discuss how they can work collaboratively to prepare for future health emergencies and build a healthier planet.

Working together we can support equitable and timely access to vaccines, testing, research and surveillance. The meeting also highlighted that climate change and public health are intimately tied as climate change can lead to poor air, water and disrupt food supply chain. Health Ministers discussed how the health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconnected and how working together we can support pandemic preparedness and respond to future health emergencies.

Throughout the G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting, there were valuable discussions on the need for  antimicrobials to create better global health outcomes. Antimicrobials, are essential medications for preventing and treating infections in humans, animals, plants and crops. When misuse or overuse of antimicrobials happen, this leads to resistance and the ability to successfully treat infections in people, animals and plants is threatened, which can have serious health consequences.

A joint session was held between G7 Health Ministers and Finance Ministers to discuss supporting and incentivizing antimicrobial research and development. Minister Holland highlighted Canada’s domestic efforts to tackle AMR and welcomed continued collaboration on the development of affordable and accessible antimicrobials, antimicrobials alternatives, vaccines and diagnostics.

Finally, Ministers of Health raised the importance of digital health advancements, including the ethical, equitable, safe, secure and trustworthy use of AI in the health sector. Digital health can enable innovation, increase health workforce capacity, and improve medical treatments. Canada is improving the use of health data and digital tools to enhance healthcare delivery.

The G7 Health Ministers’ Communiqué outlines global commitments made by G7 partners on these shared health priorities. The government will continue to work with global health leaders and experts to tackle the health challenges that affect people in Canada and around the world.

“Participating in international engagements like the G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting, allows Canada to join with our international partners in the global dialogue on critical global health issues. Working together we can find innovative ways to advance global health solutions.” – Mark Holland, Minister of Health